by Neil Simon

Directed by Carl Sebens

At a large, tastefully appointed Sneden's Landing townhouse, the Deputy Mayor of New York has just shot himself. Though only a flesh wound, four couples are about to experience a severe attack of Farce. Gathering for their tenth wedding anniversary, the host lies bleeding in the other room and his wife is nowhere in sight. His lawyer, Ken and wife Chris must get "the story" straight before the other guests arrive. As the confusions and mis-communications mount, the evening spins off into classic farcical hilarity.

Cast of Characters

KEN GORMAN............................. John Boone
CHRIS GORMAN......................... Stephanie Schneider
LENNY GANZ.............................. Jeremy Boehme
CLAIRE GANZ............................. Leslie Mitchell
ERNIE CUSACK.......................... Steve Wadleigh
COOKIE CUSACK....................... Amanda Orwick
GLENN COOPER........................ Ted Nowlin
CASSIE COOPER....................... Chelsea Mueller
OFFICER WELCH (M)................. Gil Yohnka
OFFICER PUDNEY (F)................ Leta Burch


Production Staff

DIRECTOR................................................................................. Carl Sebens
COSTUME DESIGNER.............................................................. Barb Lintner
PROPS MASTER.......................................................................
Barb Lintner
HOUSE MANAGER.................................................................... Lana Ross
LIGHT & SOUND BOARD OPERATOR..................................... John Knittle
SET CONSTRUCTION...............................................................
Jeremy Boehme
John Boone
Leta Burch
Chelsea Ehrhardt
Barb Linter
Leslie Mitchell
Chelsea Mueller
Ted Nowlin
Amanda Orwick
Quentin Rund
Carl Sebens
Becky Terhark
Steve Wadleigh
Dustin Yocum
Kaitlin Yocum
Gil Yohnka