The Monticello Theater Association has partnered with Chicago Improv Productions to offer two local workshops on March 5. During the workshops, participants will focus on developing their improvisational acting skills, a comedy method known as improv where actors make up the scenes in real-time.
“Improv is such a challenging and rewarding acting method, but its benefits extend far beyond the stage,” said Kelly Nowlin, past president of the MTA and improv enthusiast. “Whether you’re trying to broaden your acting skills, improve your confidence in your public speaking skills, or just practice the art of thinking on your feet, improv has proven benefits.”
The workshops are open to all experience and skill levels – no previous acting experience required. Those in middle school are invited to a workshop from 10 am-1 pm on Saturday, March 5. Adults and those in high school may attend the wokshop from 2 pm-5 pm on the same day. The workshop fee is $40 per person. Class size is limited, so pre-registration is encouraged.
There will be a performance at 7 pm and workshop participants are encouraged to participate, but it’s not required.
“MTA is excited to bring such high-level talent to our community for this workshop,” said Nowlin. “Chicago Improv Productions is recognized as one of the top improv groups in the country. Not only do we have the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business, but we have the chance to be entertained by them, as well. I hope that our community is able to experience just how fun improv can be.”
“Improv is such a challenging and rewarding acting method, but its benefits extend far beyond the stage,” said Kelly Nowlin, past president of the MTA and improv enthusiast. “Whether you’re trying to broaden your acting skills, improve your confidence in your public speaking skills, or just practice the art of thinking on your feet, improv has proven benefits.”
The workshops are open to all experience and skill levels – no previous acting experience required. Those in middle school are invited to a workshop from 10 am-1 pm on Saturday, March 5. Adults and those in high school may attend the wokshop from 2 pm-5 pm on the same day. The workshop fee is $40 per person. Class size is limited, so pre-registration is encouraged.
There will be a performance at 7 pm and workshop participants are encouraged to participate, but it’s not required.
“MTA is excited to bring such high-level talent to our community for this workshop,” said Nowlin. “Chicago Improv Productions is recognized as one of the top improv groups in the country. Not only do we have the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business, but we have the chance to be entertained by them, as well. I hope that our community is able to experience just how fun improv can be.”